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Resurface Tennis Court in Putney

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Welcome to Resurface Tennis Court, your premier destination for professional tennis court resurfacing services in Putney. 

With a passion for perfection and a commitment to excellence, we specialise in revitalising tennis courts, ensuring optimal playing conditions for players of all levels. 

Whether you’re a private homeowner, a tennis club, or a sports facility manager, our experienced team is dedicated to delivering excellent results that exceed your expectations.

Who Are We?

Resurface Tennis Court is a leading company specialising in tennis court refurbishment and maintenance in Greater London.

We stand out for our exceptional expertise in reviving worn-out tennis courts to their former glory, utilising advanced techniques and top-quality materials. 

Our comprehensive services include painting tennis courts in Putney, repairing cracks, resurfacing the court with durable coatings, and enhancing court performance through precise line markings and levelling. 

Our company caters to a wide range of clients, from private homeowners to tennis clubs and sports facilities, ensuring that each project is tailored to meet specific needs and budget requirements.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing our company ensures top-notch expertise in tennis court refurbishment. 

We specialise in transforming worn-out tennis courts into pristine playing surfaces that meet the highest industry standards. 

Our company prides itself on using cutting-edge technologies and premium materials to ensure durability and performance.

What Types of Tennis Courts can we Resurface?

We specialise in resurfacing various types of tennis courts to ensure optimal playability and longevity. 

Our expertise extends to resurfacing macadam courts, artificial grass courts, and polymeric courts. 

Whether it’s painting a macadam court, rejuvenating an artificial grass court in Putney, or enhancing the durability of a polymeric court, our skilled team is equipped to handle all your resurfacing needs with precision and professionalism.

How much does it Cost to Resurface a Tennis Court?

The average cost to resurface a tennis court is £4,000 – £8,000.

However, the cost to resurface a tennis court can vary depending on several factors such as the size of the court, the condition of the existing surface, the materials used, and any additional features or repairs needed.

Why is it Important to Resurface Tennis Courts?

Resurfacing tennis courts in Putney is crucial for ensuring safety, optimising performance, and enhancing the aesthetics of sports surfaces.

Tennis court resurfacing plays a vital role in maintaining the required texture and grip on the surface, essential for preventing slips and injuries during gameplay. 

A smooth and properly maintained court surface is key in enabling players to deliver their best performance without potential hindrances. 

By addressing cracks, uneven patches, and wear, tennis court resurfacing ensures a consistent and reliable playing experience. 

Beyond functionality, the visual appeal of a well-maintained court contributes to creating an inviting and professional atmosphere for players and spectators, enhancing the overall sporting experience.


Ensuring the safety of tennis court users requires regular maintenance, refurbishment of existing park tennis courts, and timely repairs to any damages.

Proper maintenance practices not only improve the longevity of the courts but also significantly reduce the risks of injuries to players. 

Parks and recreational facilities that host tennis courts must prioritise safety measures to create a secure environment for players of all levels.

Regular inspections play a crucial role in identifying potential hazards, such as cracks, uneven surfaces, or loose netting, that could jeopardise the safety of players. 

By addressing these issues promptly, parks can prevent accidents and maintain a positive playing experience for everyone.


Optimising performance on tennis courts involves expert construction, maintaining the court surface quality, and considering synthetic turf options for enhanced gameplay.

Expert construction of tennis courts in Putney requires precision in the layout, surface materials, and drainage systems to ensure optimal playing conditions.

A critical aspect of performance enhancement is the regular maintenance of the court surface quality, including cleaning, resurfacing, and line repainting to uphold player safety and game consistency.

Synthetic turf has become increasingly popular in court construction due to its durability, low maintenance costs, and consistent playing surface. 

Players benefit from the even bounce, reduced strain on joints, and faster gameplay speeds offered by synthetic turf, making it a preferred choice for professional tournaments and recreational facilities alike.


Enhancing the aesthetics of tennis courts through resurfacing, meticulous painting, and the installation of artificial grass transforms the look and feel of the existing surface.

The process of resurfacing a tennis court involves repairing any cracks or surface imperfections, ensuring a smooth and visually appealing base. 

Through precise painting techniques, vibrant colours and lines are added to the court, enhancing its overall appeal.

Integrating artificial grass into specific areas of the court not only provides an aesthetically pleasing contrast but also adds functionality and reduces maintenance needs.

The visual enhancements achieved through these steps can significantly elevate the overall playing experience, inspiring players and spectators alike.

What are the Steps involved in Resurfacing a Tennis Court?

The process of resurfacing a tennis court in Putney encompasses steps such as surface preparation, crack repairs, application of resurfacing material, painting, and final court installation.

First and foremost, surface preparation is crucial in ensuring a smooth and durable tennis court. This involves cleaning the existing surface thoroughly to remove any debris or loose particles. 

Next, any cracks or damages must be repaired using specialised materials to create a seamless base. Following this, the application of resurfacing material is done to provide a fresh and even layer to play on.

Once the resurfacing material sets, the painting stage comes into play, where court lines, logos, and other markings are meticulously applied to meet professional standards. 

The installation of necessary amenities such as nets, posts, and fencing completes the process, transforming the court into a pristine playing arena.

Surface Preparation

Surface preparation for tennis courts in Putney involves thorough cleaning, maintenance services, addressing hard court issues, and eliminating moss growth for optimal resurfacing.

Proper surface preparation is crucial as it sets the foundation for a long-lasting and high-performance tennis court.

  • Cleaning the surface removes debris, dirt, and other contaminants that can affect the resurfacing process.
  • Maintenance services such as crack repairs and levelling ensure a smooth and safe playing surface.
  • Addressing hard court problems like cracks or uneven surfaces prevents potential hazards for players.
  • By tackling moss growth, you prevent slippery surfaces and maintain the court’s aesthetic appeal.

Taking these steps not only enhances the longevity of the court but also improves the overall playing experience for tennis enthusiasts.

Repairing Cracks and Damage

Addressing cracks and damages on tennis courts requires expert repairs, refurbishment procedures, handling minor repairs, and ensuring the stability of nets.

Regarding repairing cracks and damages on tennis courts, it’s essential to begin by assessing the extent of the damage. 

This involves inspecting the surface for cracks, potholes, or any other visible signs of wear and tear. Once the assessment is complete, skilled technicians use specialised techniques to repair the cracks, such as filling them with durable materials that can withstand the demands of the game.

To refurbish a tennis court, a thorough cleaning is usually the first step. This involves removing any debris, moss, or algae that may have accumulated on the surface. Applying a fresh coat of paint can enhance the appearance and longevity of the court.

Minor repair procedures, such as fixing loose surface layers or repairing small cracks, are crucial to maintaining the overall integrity of the tennis court. 

These small fixes can prevent larger issues from arising in the future, saving both time and money in the long run.

The stability of the nets is of utmost importance in ensuring a fair and enjoyable game. Properly tensioned and securely anchored nets not only enhance the playing experience but also contribute to the safety of the players.

Painting and Marking the Court

Precision in painting and court marking in Putney is essential for tennis courts, ensuring line visibility, net placement accuracy, and surface aesthetics. 

Properly marked lines not only guide players during intense matches but also play a crucial role in maintaining fairness and accuracy in the game. 

The brightness and clarity of the lines significantly impact how players perceive the court, affecting their judgement and decision-making.

How Long does it take to Resurface a Tennis Court?

The resurfacing process of a tennis court, typically takes 3-5 days to complete.

However, the duration of the resurfacing process varies depending on factors like scope, surface condition, and installation requirements.

When undertaking a resurfacing project, the timeline is intricately linked with the scale of work involved. For smaller surface areas or touch-up jobs, the process could be completed in a matter of days, offering a quick solution. 

On the other hand, large-scale projects covering extensive areas may span weeks to ensure meticulous attention to detail and quality outcomes.

How Often Should a Tennis Court be Resurfaced?

A well-maintained tennis court may require resurfacing every 4 to 8 years. 

Macadam courts typically need resurfacing more frequently, around every 4 to 6 years, due to their porous nature and susceptibility to weathering. 

Artificial grass courts may require resurfacing every 6 to 8 years to restore their appearance and performance. 

Polymeric courts, being more durable, can go longer between resurfacing, typically around 6 to 10 years.

The frequency of tennis court resurfacing in Putney depends on various factors, including the type of court surface, usage levels, climate conditions, and maintenance practices. 

Regular inspection and maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of a tennis court surface and ensure optimal playing conditions for players.

What does it Mean to Resurface a Tennis Court?

Resurfacing a tennis court in Putney involves renovating or restoring the playing surface to improve its appearance, performance, and durability. This process typically includes several steps:

  1. Cleaning: The court is thoroughly cleaned to remove dirt, debris, algae, and other contaminants that may have accumulated over time.
  2. Repairing: Any cracks, holes, or surface imperfections are repaired to ensure a smooth and even playing surface.
  3. Preparation: The court surface is prepared by levelling it and addressing any drainage issues.
  4. Coating: A new layer of surfacing material, such as acrylic anti-slip paint, a new macadam layer, a new synthetic grass layer or a a new polymeric layer, is applied to the court to refresh its appearance and enhance its playing characteristics.
  5. Marking: Lines and markings are painted onto the court according to official tennis court regulations.
  6. Finishing: The surface is finished with a sealant or topcoat to protect it from UV rays, weathering, and wear-and-tear.

Find Out More

If you would like to find out more about our tennis court resurfacing services, please fill in the contact form and a member of our team will be in touch.

Once we receive your enquiry, we can contact you to discuss your tennis court project and provide you with costs for our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you Resurface Any Type of Tennis Court?

Our team has experience in resurfacing all types of tennis courts, including hard courts, artificial grass courts, polymeric courts and more. 

We customise our resurfacing techniques and materials based on the specific needs of each court.

What Type of Materials do you use to Resurface a Tennis Court?

The type of material selected for resurfacing a tennis court depends on various factors including court type, budget, and performance requirements. Some common materials we use include:

  • Acrylic: Acrylic is a popular choice for tennis court surfaces due to its durability, flexibility, and smooth finish. It provides excellent traction and ball bounce while offering resistance to weathering and UV damage.
  • Polyurethane: Polyurethane is known for its exceptional durability and resistance to abrasion, making it ideal for high-traffic tennis courts. It offers a consistent playing surface with good grip and ball response.
  • Rubber Granules: Rubber granules may be added to the resurfacing materials to enhance shock absorption and reduce impact on players’ joints. This option is commonly used for cushioned or all-weather courts.
  • Colour Coatings: Colour coatings are applied to the surface to enhance aesthetics and visibility. These coatings come in a variety of colours and can be customised to match your preferences or branding.
  • Sealants and Topcoats: Sealants and topcoats are applied to protect the surface from UV damage, moisture, and wear-and-tear. They help prolong the lifespan of the court and maintain its appearance over time.

Can you also Repair Any Damages to the Tennis Court During the Resurfacing Process?

Our team has the expertise to repair cracks, holes, and other damages to the tennis court during the resurfacing process. 

This ensures that your court not only looks brand new but also plays at its best.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great tennis court resurface services in London.

Here are some towns we cover near Putney.

Fulham, Fulham, Wandsworth, Barnes, Battersea

For more information on tennis court resurfacing in Putney, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.


Resurface Tennis Court did an incredible job reviving our old, worn-out tennis court. From the initial consultation to the final touches, their team exhibited professionalism and expertise. The court now looks brand new, with vibrant colours and a smooth surface that’s a joy to play on. Highly recommend their services to anyone looking to breathe new life into their tennis court!

Martin Lucas

Greater London


I couldn’t be happier with the results of Resurface Tennis Court’s work on our club’s courts. Their attention to detail and commitment to quality were evident throughout the entire process. Not only did they resurface the courts flawlessly, but they also went above and beyond to ensure everything was completed on time and within budget. Our members are thrilled with the improved playing conditions, and we’ve received numerous compliments on the transformation. Thank you, Resurface Tennis Court, for exceeding our expectations!

Jenny Smith

Greater London

About Us

Improve the playability and aesthetics of your tennis court with our resurfacing solutions, revitalizing its surface for optimal performance.